Two things–, no, three. First, the best way to get over being self-conscious/upset about “too many” kintypes, is the same way to get over anything that…
Absolutely. Dreams can be a spectrum of how much literal truth they hold. Sometimes you will have a dream that is a 1:1 a memory…
Many people absolutely experience past memories in the form of vivid dreams.
You’re sweet, anon. These days it feels like I’m mostly held together with snark and exhaustion.
Fictive was a word coined by the alterhuman/soulbonding/endogenic community. The clinical word is fictional introject. confirmation: LINK see the 4th paragraph of this answer.
Hey there anon! Thanks for the good vibes 😀 right back atcha. As someone with at least one immortal kintype I’ve examined this question a…
On tumblr the idea of fictionkin got spread around a lot, and a lot of people have misunderstood it, to the point where some people…
Nope, its totally normal to have a kintype that began as an OC, and you discovered that it was actually your memories that created the…