forteh: hey if ur fictionkin and u say things like “i’m the only ___ and i don’t like other ___” i probably dont like u…
Small internet indeed! I suppose that makes two of us. Come off anon and we can reminisce in private 🙂 For those of you wondering,…
“Hes someones creation how can I say Im him when I dont know if its true”, you can the same way we all can, by…
It absolutely is possible, in fact, that is how many of us are. Not all the details of my life match up with Ken Ichijouji’s…
Thank you ^^ You seem nice too. Feel free to chat any time, and I’m posting this publicly so more kin may follow you.
I sympathize. Its difficult to have few people who can relate closely to your kintype around. That said, be yourself with the larger kin community…
I wish I had an answer for you. Sadly no matter what idea you have, and how harmless is its, people will be against it,…
theangrylionshark: Identifying as otherkin isn’t about identify as what you want…it’s about understanding who and what you are (aside from human of course). Yeah, I’m…
As someone who has a hard time finding others of their ‘kintype’/from my universe, I sympathize with you. I also sympathize when you say you’re…