Systems may be ‘fine’ with the term ‘fictive’ but its not a DID/OSDD term. The medical term is ‘fictional introjects’. I clarify this because I have had DID/OSDD…
I think they’re entitled to their opinion, but they shouldn’t be telling other people what they can believe. I personally believe that all kin have…
The only “good reason” you need to identify as kin is that you experience things that make you feel like you are your kintype.
For those curious, the post in question reads: friendly reminder that – u cant b otherkin/therian if u r white, u can only b fictionkin…
Maybe this article can help you. (link)
Then you don’t have memories. Memories don’t make the kin. However, as you go through life you may find that you do get memories. I’ve…
A copinglink is a voluntarily created identity, a kintype is inherent and involuntary.
Spiritual kin believe that kin exist because of spiritual reasons (reincarnation, doubled souls, multiple universes, etc). Psychological kin believe that kin exist because of mental…