Say it with me everybody “you can’t pick your kintypes” Louder for everyone outside of the community.
Hey there. 🙂 I appreciate you taking the time to send this and thank you for your kind words. Thankfully it isn’t all rude anons…
Hi, factkin anon here! Thank you so much for letting me get this out and talk about my experiences. First is… god, realizing. The realization.…
The question is a big can of worms, anon, and I’d rather not get into it. I hate intellectual property debates XD
You’re certainly welcome to share your views and such on this blog, anon. Other than that, I don’t know of any particular blogs. Chime in/reblog…
Agreed, anon. Either that or they’re from outside the community and have no idea what they’re talking about.
Yeah, that’s fucking *terrible* advice, especially to a multiple. As if they had control over their alters???
Firstly, please don’t take that tone of expression with me. Secondly, I find it interesting that my message of “lets treat everyone with respect and civility…
Thank you for asking so respectfully, its really appreciated. The truth is that everyone who is kin has a slightly different theory for how it…