Um, hello! Sorry that this isn’t relatively on-topic with what your blog is honestly about, but I just want to say that I’m terribly sorry for you, about the rude anons in this case. I don’t think you deserve those crude words, and so far, I’ve only seen nice people in this wonderful community, so I really don’t understand why people just feel negative emotions towards kin. But I’m apologetic if this was completely off-topic, but I hope you don’t let their words get to you, or any other people.

Hey there. 🙂 I appreciate you taking the time to send this and thank you for your kind words. Thankfully it isn’t all rude anons…

I was wondering, are there any blogs that so kin calls that allow psychological kin and copinglinkers, as well? I want to talk to some people who would be okay with me letting my kin out and chatting with them, but since I don’t have exactly the same experience as most kin, even though I fully respect spiritual kin and don’t think they’re invalid, that I’ll be scolded because I’m not spiritual enough, or because I RP my kintype (partly because that’s the only way I can let him out). Any advice?

You’re certainly welcome to share your views and such on this blog, anon. Other than that, I don’t know of any particular blogs. Chime in/reblog…