What do kin experience? How to know if you’re kin?
Its complete horseshit that was made up by a troll in order to harass people and its not even with discussing at this point. http://fromfiction.tumblr.com/tagged/racism/
I have no idea whether its ‘normal’ or not, but being kin isn’t normal either. I would say there’s nothing inherently unhealthy or ‘wrong’ with occasionally feeling…
I think most people talk about visual memories because they are the easiest to talk about. Humans are a very visual species. I don’t think…
Daily reminder that as cool as divination is, it is a very bad method of determining kintypes and kin memories.
These articles should help http://fictionkin.net/fictionkin/what-kin-experience-what-makes-people-kin/ http://fictionkin.net/fictionkin/how-to-find-your-kintype/
What are fictionkin? Fictionkin; (noun): A person who discovers that they have in some way inherited the soul/spirit/complete mentality of a fictional character, and the…
I think a kin history facts blog would be a WONDERFUL idea.
Is there a word for identifying as a fictional species, or fictional race of beings? Not one that was in canon, but someone from their…
Happens fairly often. Not knowing why you’re drawn to something can often be interpreted as feelings of romantic attraction.