I personally believe that as a universe is written or created it comes into existence, and that time is fluid and non-linear and so all universes are always happening in the past, future and present all the same. This is why I have a hard time thinking my “kinself” is any different from me now, because I exist in the past, present and future. AUs and stuff are the same, in that they become a separate world with existing framework, just different. Just offering someone else’s take on it. :3

Great perspective, anon! Very interesting.

Just a reminder that I personally don’t believe authors create (or destroy) the universes they write about. I believe that all possible universes are already…

About the sans Fictive: It is, and it’s not even my Fictive. But I’m pretty sure this Sans doesn’t have a home now. He didn’t actually belong in that AU to start with, but it was his home, and the love of his life was there… How can someone think that’s ok to do though?

Unless the AU was created/destroyed by a soulbonder/tulpamancer/someone else deliberately using that AU to call/create fictives from it, then they don’t have any moral obligation…

Do you have any other information other then tumblr? anything that goes back to before 2013? Also I didn’t think people your age were otherkin, I guess you still have to either grow out of it or get yourself some therapy, lol.

http://www.space.com/18811-multiple-universes-5-theories.html http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-theory-of-parallel-universes.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZiROWO6iVs http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GCFCL4/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?ie=UTF8&btkr=1 Multiverse theory is a respected scientific theory with many books and papers written about it. This could get you started. There…