How does one explain being fictionkin? How does that rationally work? How can you claim identity as something created in the mind of a person? I’m just struggling to see how that works and can be taken seriously.

When I was younger I used to try to justify my beliefs with science. I’d call in quantum theory and make arguments about schrodingers cat and such. This was foolish. I don’t try to justify things that way any more. My belief is just that, a belief.

How does one explain being fictionkin? Many explain it differently. There are as many explanations are there are kin to answer you.

My personal belief is that everything happens somewhere. I won’t lie to you– this belief is in itself influence by fiction. By Marvel Comics and by Terry Pratchett and Stephen King and other writers who say the same things. I believe that anything that can be imagined happens in another universe– in a thousand other universes– in infinite variation. I believe in every possible variation of this universe that we live in, and every possible variation of any universe its possible to dream of. And universes that our minds can’t even grasp.

And that belief means that anything you can imagine, anything you can write down, has already happened in another universe. Is happening in another universe right now. Will happen thousands of years from now in another universe. And a billion trillion other universes with changes big or small.

Some people say this belief negates creativity. I disagree. I don’t think writers peer into another world and steal the lives of people there. I think they imagine them, and write them down, and just by coincidence somewhere else they happen to exist. Like a blind man painting a sunset he’ll never see.

How do I explain being fictionkin? I believe that sometimes, under certain circumstances, like when a soul is between bodies, that these universes can touch. That a spirit from one world can be reborn into another.

I believe in another universe a man named Ken Ichijouji, aged 43, who had at one point been called a ‘chosen child’ or a ‘digidestined’ died, and his soul slipped through the cracks of the universe, and was reborn here. As me.

That’s how I believe.

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