otherkin is not a gender identity
otherkin is not a gender identity
otherkin is not a gender identity
otherkin is not a gender identity
[[[[[[[[[[ otherkin is not a gender identity ]]]]]]]]]]
this is exactly the kind of Bad Thing we all knew would come from this pronoun mess, because now the subjects are being linked to one another. otherkin is not a gender identity and is NOT obligated to receive the same respect. No one’s spiritual view of themselves denotes a societal obligation for people to accept it the way that gender absolutely should be. No one should be treated cruelly for being otherkin, same as you wouldn’t abuse a Christian or a Taoist, but no one has to respect your belief or believe it. Gender should be respected and accommodated. The two are not the same.
otherkin is also not a sexuality, even if dragon dick is fantastic