Okay so I’m not hskin but I’ve been seeing a lot of people hating on my reincarnation friends in this tag so I’m going to say my thing and ollie out again okay? Plus this has leaked over to y’all sending hate to other kin communities so I figured I would talk to the kin group pulling this shit mostly. (And protip: if you send anon hate to me for my opinion I’m just going to laugh at you and move on so don’t even bother!)
Okay so I understand the “don’t be kin with a character outside of your race thing.” I get it. But look: You are putting copingkin rules onto reincarnation kin people, and of course that isn’t going to work because they are two entirely different things. This is one of the reasons why having a different term for copingkin would probably be a good thing.
The aformentioned rule? Valid on copingkins. They can freely choose who they kin with. It’s understandable, and a good rule. But place that same rule on reincarnationkins? It suddenly makes no sense.
My memories cannot be chosen. My past lives are whatever my soul did in a previous reincarnation. People can be reincarnated into different bodies, different races, different species; and all of that is outside my control. For me, where I end up in the next life depends entirely on my deities’s will, but for others they have something else guiding their soul to a new reincarnation.
Please understand that there is a severe difference between copingkin and reincarnationkin. Copingkin need to stop being the fucking “Kin Police” to us reincarnationkin folks. It is not your place to do so so please fuck off.